ASFIN brings together national, regional and international development finance institutions, NGOs, private foundations, industry associations, professional firms, microfinance institutions, banks, insurance companies, venture capital firms, private equity fund managers, and several other impact investors and financiers, regulators, policymakers and engagement practitioners with whom you can share ideas and opportunities and for the growth of the SME ecosystem in Africa.
ASFIN's membership is open to any of these institutions or companies that comply with the eligibility requirement outlined below.
While the primary constituency and owners of ASFIN are SME finance institutions in their diversity, other organisations in the wider financial ecosystem which may not be defined in the narrow sense as “SME investors” but which account for the overall strength of African SMEs are also welcome. Being a member of ASFIN will allow your institution to further develop its potential and gain greater recognition. Membership will also allow your institution to demonstrate its commitment to working collectively to contribute to the growth of African SMEs.
Membership Categories
ASFIN currently offers two Membership categories:
(a) Full Corporate Membership:
(b) Associate Membership
Membership Terms and Dues
Membership is renewed annually and members pay Membership and Subscription dues upon first becoming a member and then annual subscription by 1st January of each calendar year.
Annual Membership Fees
The membership fees are structured according to categories. Previously, membership was free. Effective January 2023, all existing members and new members will be charged a moderate membership registration and annual subscription fees to help cover administration and operational costs of the organisation as follows:
Multi-year Membership Fees: Where applicable, members and potential members that wish to pay multi-year membership and subscription fees are allowed to. This can be done by calculating the number of years they're paying for. For example, a Member may pay: $500 X 3 years = $1,500.
If a Membership Application is successful, an invoice will be forwarded to you for payment.
Please Note: Failure to pay membership fees for 1 year gives the Executive Committee the power to exclude the member from the Network as member.
Requirements and Application for Membership
Joining the Network has been made easy. Kindly complete the Online Membership Application Form together with the following:
When the application and other documents are received, a staff of the Membership Team will contact you for additional information where necessary. And upon the Approval of Membership, you'll receive the official membership approval letter together with a Membership Certificate.
N.B: Members do not become liable for any of the obligations and liabilities of the Network solely by virtue of their status as members of ASFIN.
If you have any questions or want further information, please contact the Membership Team at
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